Call me Starr. I work in a strip bar in a small Midwestern town.
Most girls dance for the money, but I do it because it turns me on.
To me, there's nothing better than slipping into a skin-tight bodysuit and prancing around stage in front of horny men.
Their hoots and howls make my pussy drool.
My favorite part of the job is taking a man into a private booth and sandwiching his face between my tits.
If I like a customer, I let him buy me a few drinks, then take me to a hotel after the bar closes.
Allowing a stranger to shove his love muscle into my orafices excites me.
But sometimes I just can't wait for my shift to end, and I have to satisfy carnal desires right there in the club.
Take, for example, last Saturday night when I found myself craving cock so badly I could barely keep my panties dry.
We had a lively crowd that night, the kind that drive bouncers crazy. Customers were trying to claw their way onto the stage.
I secretly wanted them to come up and gang bang me, but the bouncers pulled them back every time.
Just before my third dance routine of the night, I went into the dressing room to get ready.
I put on a shiny, silver T-shirt, a matching thong bikini and thigh-high boots.
I turned my body sideways and looked in the mirror.
Bleach-blonde hair cascaded half way down my back.
My tits stood at attention, like two loyal soldiers. I was looking good.
I went to the disc jockey's booth and told him to play something upbeat.
When the stripper before me stepped off of the stage, my heart began to flutter.
'OK guys, I want you to get ready to blaaaaaaaast oooooooooff,' the D.J. said. 'This next girl is going to take you a galaxy far, far away. So come on everybody, give it up for . . . Starr.'
A hush fell over the crowd as I sashayed up the steps to the dais.
The stage-side seats were filled with stiff-dicked men.
They kept wads of dollar bills in one hand and half-full bottles of beer in the other.
A hard bass drum began to pound.
I knew just how to rile them. First, I gyrated my hips and licked my lips.
Then, I lifted my shirt just enough to show the underside of my tits. This was just the warm up, and some guys were already leaning forward in their seats, waving bills and begging for special attention. I live for these moments.
My pussy gushed.
As the second song began, I peeled off my shirt and flung it at a man wearing a camoflauge Army uniform in the front row. It flopped onto his head.
He pressed the shirt into his face and let my honeysuckle perfume engulf him.
He smiled and winked.
I gazed at him and drew circles around my nipples with my fingertips.
The soldier was cute. I memorized where he was sitting so I could pay him special attention later. His name tag said: 'Sgt. Robinson.'
On the side of the stage nearest the bar, an obese man leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed.
I waltzed toward him. Shifting in his chair, he hesitatly held out a dollar.
I set my arms akimbo and raised an eybrow at him.
He thrust the bill toward me, nodding his head.
'Take it,' he said.
'Oh no,' I said, scolding him with the wag of a finger.
'You don't get off that easy.'
I picked up his bottle of beer and slurped down half of it in three slow gulps.
Then I took another small sip and left the beer in my mouth, swishing it around as I snatched the dollar out of his hand.
I bent my body over the railing and tucked the bill into the zipper of his jeans. He flinched, but relaxed after I smiled at him.
'It's OK,' I said. 'I'm a professional.'
My head dove into his crotch.
I bobbed my head, making believe his cock was plunging into my mouth on the downstroke.
His love muscle pulsated so passionately, I could see the palpatations through his pants.
When I knew he was ready to cum, I brushed my face against his cock, then put my hands on his knees and hoisted myself up.
Our eyes locked together, and I let the foamy beer dribble down my chin, as if it were his hot jizz.
I'm pretty sure he busted a nut right there.
I dipped my head down to his lap one more time to pick up the dollar with my teeth.
The hard throbs from the speakers faded.
For the culmination of my performance, I had chosen a slow and seductie melody layered with the sounds of waves lapping against the shore.
As the song floated elegantly through the bar, I slid the thong panties off of my legs.
The guys began to salivate when they saw my muff, which was shaved into a thin, blone mohawk.
I grabbed the centerstage pole with both hands and arched my back.
A few men whistled as I whirled my self in a circle.
After I stopped, I found the soldier and fixed my gaze on him.
He cooly sipped his beer, then set it down. I prowled toward him.
I slowly leaned over the rail so my tits would touch his face and my mouth hovered above his ear.
'Hi soldier,' I whispered.
He said nothing, only inhaled deeply, savoring my sweet perfume.
'I've got orders from the general,' I said.
His ears perked up and he turned his head to look me in the eye.
'Oh yeah,' he said. 'What are they?'
'Sgt. Robinson, you're offiially assigned to come on stage and fuck me,' I said.
He climbed over the brass railing and started to put his arms aroud me.
'No,' I said. 'We have to be careful. The manager has rules here. Just lay on your back and I'll do the rest.'
Like a good soldier, he did as he was told.
There was an enormous lump in his green and brown pants.
I straddled the soldier and lowered my glistening labia onto his bulge.
Tingles, like the flaps of a thousand butterfly wings, flew up my spine.
I rubbed my vagina on his pants and watched his face contort in ecstasy. We moaned.
I imagine that plenty of customers were whistling and carrying on, but I had blocked them out.
We both had. I couldn't take it anymore.
I needed his big gun inside my holster. Leaning over, I whispered in his ear: 'Pull your dick out of your pants and put it in me.'
I saw him unbutton his pants.
Then I felt a tremendous zap as his love missile shot into me. Sgt. Robinson's cock was huge-- bigger than I ever thought.
I bobbed my pelvis for him as he tweaked my nipples.
We fucked hard, making no attempt to conceal what we were doing. I came quickly. My whole body shuddered. Sgt. Robinson was ready to cum, too. His body tensed. 'Shoot it in me,' I yelled. 'Make my pussy take every drop of your sweet jizz!' He let his splooge shoot into me, and my womb ate it all.
The song faded as I dismounted his cock.
We stood to a standing ovation.
The next day Sgt. Robinson sent me a note, saying he had to go on a secret mission overseas but he hoped I would still be in town when he got back.
I never saw him again.
In fact, our tryst got the bar closed down.
It seems a deputy sheriff was enjoying some R and R at the bar when he saw our act.
The cops couldn't charge Sgt. Robinson and I for prositiution because he never gave me money. So they went after the bar's owner for running what they called a 'flophouse.'
I'm at a new strip bar now.
It's near an airport, so I dance for a lot of stiff travellers in suits.
But I'm always hoping that maybe -- just maybe -- Sgt. Robinson will come in and we'll be able to do it all over again.
Swedish Hungers
I don’t know enough about the fashions and countercultures of Scandinavia
in the 1970s to know what steel beads and a big nose ring signifies, but
this l...
6 hours ago
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